Mobile application development is a highly demanded and competitive field, which requires knowledge, skills and adequate tools to create quality and successful products. Both Android and iOS are very popular and powerful platforms, offering various possibilities and advantages to developers. However, they also present some challenges and difficulties that must be taken into account and overcome.
In this article, I am going to share some tips for Android and iOS development, based on my personal experience and best practices recommended by experts. These tips range from project planning to app release, design, programming, testing, and optimization.
So that you can see well what application development is like, we are going to give you examples of applications so that you can download them and see how the result turned out.
Plan your project
Before starting to write code, it is important to plan your project in detail and clearly. Define the objective, audience, functionalities, requirements and limitations of your application. Research the market, competition and trends. Choose the language, the framework, the IDE and the tools you are going to use. Create a prototype, sketch or mockup of your user interface. Establish a schedule, a budget and a contingency plan.
Planning will help you have a global vision of your project, avoid errors or unforeseen events, optimize resources and time, and guarantee the quality and consistency of your application.
Design your user interface
The user interface is the most visible and critical element of your app, as it determines how your product looks, feels, and is used. Therefore, it is essential to design a user interface that is attractive, intuitive, functional and adaptive.
To do this, follow the specific design guidelines for each platform: the Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and the Material Design Guidelines for Android. These guidelines provide you with principles, patterns, components, and resources to create interfaces consistent with the style and expectations of users of each operating system.
Also, keep in mind the differences between the devices supported by each platform: screen sizes, resolutions, orientations, pixel densities, etc. Use relative units, vector images, flexible layouts and constraints to ensure your interface adapts correctly to any device.
Program your business logic
Business logic is the most complex and important element of your application, as it determines how it works, what it does, and what your product offers. Therefore, it is essential to program your business logic with efficiency, security and quality.
To do this, follow the best programming practices recommended by experts: use an appropriate language for each platform (Swift or C# for iOS; Java or Kotlin for Android), apply object-oriented or functional programming principles as appropriate, structure your code in layers or modules separated by responsibilities (MVC, MVP or MVVM), name your variables and functions clearly and consistently, comment your code when necessary, use design patterns to solve common problems (Singleton, Factory or Observer), implement tests unitary and integrated to verify the correct functioning of your code.
Also, take into account the specific characteristics of each platform: use the frameworks provided by Apple or Google to access the functionalities of the operating system (UIKit or SwiftUI for iOS; Android Jetpack or Compose for Android), take advantage of the advantages of native technologies available (Core Data or Realm for iOS; Room or Firebase for Android), respects the restrictions imposed by each platform (permissions, life cycles or security policies).
Test your application
Testing is the most necessary and underrated element of your application, since it determines how it behaves, what errors it has and what improvements your product needs. Therefore, it is essential to test your application with rigor, frequency and variety.
To do this, follow the most effective and appropriate testing techniques for each case: perform manual or automated tests depending on the type of functionality or error you want to check, use specific tools for each platform (XCTest or TestFlight for iOS; JUnit or Espresso for Android ), simulates different scenarios and conditions of use (network, battery, memory, etc.), collects and analyzes the data and feedback obtained from the tests (crash reports, logs, statistics, etc.).
Also, keep in mind the diversity of devices supported by each platform: test your app on several iPhone or iPad models for iOS, and on several models from different brands and manufacturers for Android. This way you can detect and solve possible compatibility or performance problems.
Optimize your application
Optimization is the most difficult and rewarding element of your app, as it determines how your product is improved, updated, and differentiated. Therefore, it is advisable to optimize your application with creativity, innovation and quality.
To do this, follow the most convenient and profitable optimization strategies for each objective: improve the design, usability and accessibility of your user interface, incorporate new functionalities, integrations or services to your business logic, reduce the size, consumption and the loading time of your application, implement security, encryption and data protection techniques, add differential or exclusive features to your application (animations, widgets, extensions or shortcuts).
Additionally, take into account the opportunities offered by each platform: explore the news and trends of each operating system (iOS 16 or Android 13), take advantage of the advantages and benefits of the native technologies available (ARKit or Core ML for iOS; ARCore or ML Kit for Android), adapt your application to the most popular or newest devices (iPhone 15 or iPad Pro for iOS; Pixel 6 or Galaxy Fold for Android).
Publish your application
Publishing is the most exciting and challenging element of your app, as it determines how your product is distributed, promoted, and sold. Therefore, it is necessary to publish your application with care, professionalism and quality.
To do this, follow the requirements and procedures established by each platform: prepare the necessary materials to publish your application (icon, screenshots, description, category, etc.), review the rules and policies of each application store (App Store for iOS; Google Play for Android), submit your app for review and approval by Apple or Google, price and availability your app based on market and competition.
Also, keep in mind the options offered by each platform: use the tools and services provided by Apple or Google to manage and update your application (App Store Connect or TestFlight for iOS; Google Play Console or Firebase App Distribution for Android), monitor the performance and profitability of your app (Analytics or RevenueCat for iOS; Firebase Analytics or AdMob for Android), interact with users and receive their ratings and comments (App Store Review Guidelines or StoreKit for iOS; Google Play Review Guidelines or In-app Review API for Android).
These tips will always be conditioned by our experience as indie developers; mobile application development is a complex and exciting process that requires knowledge, skills and appropriate tools. Both Android and iOS are very popular and powerful platforms, offering various possibilities and advantages to developers. However, they also present some challenges and difficulties that must be taken into account and overcome.
In this article, we have shared some tips for Android and iOS development, based on our personal experience and best practices recommended by experts. These tips range from project planning to app release, design, programming, testing, and optimization.
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